How to Use cuff link in a Sentence
cuff link
The most expensive piece is a cuff link, which is $348.
—Colleen Leahey McKeegan, Marie Claire, 9 Jan. 2018
Here are some gifts, ranging from prints to cuff links, that coffee fans will get a kick out of.
—Alicia Kortendick, al, 26 Sep. 2019
My husband wore a suit and tie, a white shirt with cuff links, a black felt fedora, and a gray wool coat.
—Beverly Beckham,, 23 Jan. 2020
Buying that $15 nail polish set or $59 classic car cuff links could save a life.
—Phoebe Wall Howard, Detroit Free Press, 28 Feb. 2018
Trump took to the fairgrounds in a navy suit, with cuff links, and was greeted by a throng of cheering supporters at every stop.
—Shane Goldmacher,, 12 Aug. 2023
Freedman's would have been the favorite restaurant of your late Uncle Morris, the guy who had a drawer full of cuff links, a favorite room at the Sands, and a chilled seltzer gun in the fridge.
—Jonathan Gold,, 18 May 2018
Squished among cake recipes and a cuff link trend analysis, a 1953 Life article shows Bryant lying down as a snug dress was wrapped around her body.
—Brooklyn White, Essence, 30 Nov. 2022
Sixties David Webb enameled lion head cuff links (and my wedding band)!
—Will Kahn, Town & Country, 17 Apr. 2019
Men should consider accessories like cuff links or a nice shoeshine.
—Christen A. Johnson,, 1 July 2019
Steele, 53, who sports a graying coif and tailored suits with cuff links, has said little publicly since he was identified more than a year ago as the author of the dossier.
—Tom Hamburger, Washington Post, 6 Feb. 2018
Coffee fans from all over can’t deny that these cuff links from Nordstrom are eye-catching and a great novelty item.
—Alicia Kortendick, al, 26 Sep. 2019
That the Office of Price Administration was going to point-ration cuff links and $10 bills.
—Johnny Miller, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 Mar. 2018
The groom donned a gray three-piece suit and custom cuff links with a compass and their wedding ceremony coordinates engraved, a gift from the bride.
—New York Times, 27 Sep. 2019
The suit’s diamond buttons were set in onyx, while diamond cuff links looked like miniature satellites.
—Liana Satenstein, Vogue, 4 Apr. 2019
After Koussevitzky’s death in 1951, Bernstein had a ritual of kissing the cuff links just before heading out to the podium.
—Richard S. Ginell,, 22 June 2018
On the exterior, the front adaptive, full-LED headlights shine like cuff links and the strong lines hint at capable athleticism underneath the hood.
—Bloomberg,, 9 June 2018
Each monthly box features a variety of men's fashion accessories: ties, socks, suspenders, tie clips, cuff links, and more.
—Amanda Prahl, Peoplemag, 27 Feb. 2023
On the exterior, the front adaptive, full-LED headlights shine like cuff links; the strong lines hint at capable athleticism underneath the hood.
—Hannah Elliott,, 7 May 2018
Audiences at home likely saw his matching suit with wife Pink but may not have noticed some ultra cool 18K gold and diamond cuff links.
—Madeleine Marr, miamiherald, 1 Sep. 2017
In the other instance, cuff links and approximately $30 in cash were taken, police said.
—Pioneer Press Staff,, 30 Oct. 2019
Iddy Biddy Buddah also turns the fine hair of babies into the centerpieces of cuff links, pendants and necklaces.
—Sonja Haller, USA TODAY, 19 Nov. 2019
These tasty-looking sterling silver charms made in-house adorn bracelets and cuff links and celebrate Miami culture.
—Carlos Frias, miamiherald, 24 Apr. 2018
Tiffany has sold money clips, cuff links, rings, and other traditional jewelry for men.
—Anne D’innocenzio,, 23 Aug. 2019
When his body was recovered, his possessions included diamond cuff links, a gold watch and cigarette case and a pearl tie-pin.
—Meg Jones, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Apr. 2018
The ground level felt isolated from the streets behind intimidating steps — redolent of cuff links and shoulder pads in an era grown comfortable with T-shirts and jeans.
—Roger Vincent,, 5 Apr. 2018
Police found the alleged burglar with nine silver and gold cuff links with valuable stones, probably taken from another home.
—Jane Ford-Stewart, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 13 Dec. 2017
Generations have graduated with Tiffany cuff links, married with Tiffany rings and welcomed babies with Tiffany spoons, all delivered in a blue box with a white satin bow.
—Christina Binkley, WSJ, 26 Mar. 2018
The monthly shipments contain an array of fashion accessories, including ties, socks, suspenders, tie clips, and cuff links.
—Amanda Prahl, Peoplemag, 27 Feb. 2023
Most subscription boxes will feature some or all of the following: suits, pants, basics like socks and underwear, outerwear, shoes, and accessories like ties, belts, and cuff links.
—Amanda Prahl, Peoplemag, 27 Feb. 2023
Bernstein’s teacher and surrogate father figure Serge Koussevitzky gave him cuff links that would become famous.
—Richard S. Ginell,, 22 June 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'cuff link.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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